Blog firecom Radio range 20 km

Radio range 20 km

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Are you looking for a handheld radio with a lot of range? Choose the 4G PTT solution from Firecom. Our radio application based on 4G (4GPTT) offers European coverage, continuous accessibility and reliability of communication. This form of two-way radio communication works on the 3G or 4G network, which means that you can have communication with your fellow users throughout Europe (or even the entire world). The communication system is based on IP technology and license-free.

Communicate instantly at the touch of a button and within one second. Connected directly with a group of people. That is Push-to-Talk. A property that belongs to radios and radios that operate on a radio frequency. Nowadays Push-to-Talk can also use the 3G / 4G network: 4G radio (Push to talk Over Cellular called 'POC'). 4G Portofonie is a cloud service from C4IT linked to the network of your mobile provider. Your voice message is quickly converted into data and sent within the Netherlands via the mobile 3G or 4G network of your mobile provider. Exchanging real-time information not only contributes to business productivity and efficiency, for example, it also increases employee safety.


In addition to 'POCs' on a smartphone, there are separate devices on the market that only have the POC functionality based on the internet. Simple, robust devices, which look like a walkie-talkie, with a SIM card.

Health Benefits

Our two-way radio over GSM solution consists of an Android device in the form of a two-way radio. This gives you the great advantages of a separate PTT switch (speaking button), watertightness, robustness and the possibility to connect earphones. Traditional telephone functions are canceled so that it is not possible to accidentally close the application. This improves reliability.


The radio over GSM solution is perfect for security, traffic controllers, national services, carriers and events. This solution can be used wherever you want to communicate directly in a group. The emergency button and GPS function significantly increase safety.

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