Wireless calling systems

Overview of wireless call systems for alarms and calls from emergency response personnel, staff, employees, guests or drivers. With our systems it is possible to easily and quickly alert a large group of users. For some industries and activities it is crucial that this works well and reliably. We always pay extra attention to that. We are happy to tell you more about this, so please read on.

Call systems for different purposes 

Which call system is best suited depends on the purpose that this system should serve. In the range of firecom you will therefore find different types and models of (wireless) call systems that can fulfill a multitude of tasks. Below are some examples of situations in which our calling systems are used.

With our systems it is possible to easily and quickly alert a large group of users.

  • Company emergency services: Most companies employ in-house emergency responders. It is important that, for example, if there is a fire or a medical emergency, they are promptly informed so that they can take action. Therefore, one wireless emergency response call system very practical.
  • Aggression: Situations with aggressive people occur in healthcare, nightlife and even shopping areas. Those responsible can use a aggression calling system arrive on site quickly to de-escalate the situation.  
  • People search installations (PZI): With a PZI installation, which is also called a beeper system, a message can be sent to the alarm recipients both individually and in groups. 
  • Technical reports: In certain industries it is important that technical reports are received quickly. Specific systems are available for this that can be integrated with, for example, the fire panel or home automation applications.  
  • Catering calling systems: It saves your staff time when calling guests for whom the order is ready takes place automatically. This is possible with a catering call system.  
  • Logistic call systems: Within the logistics fast communication is useful when, for example, a driver is in his truck and you are in the building. Distances here are longer on average, which makes it convenient if you can easily reach the driver via the paging system.  

Different types of channels and receivers 

There are many different types transmitters and receivers available depending on the purpose of the calling system. For example, there are control stations, emergency buttons, motion detectors, door contact transmitters, neck transmitters, fire detectors and water detectors, all of which can send a message or signal when necessary. The receivers can then be portable, such as one beeper. Other options for recipients are solutions such as a message display or a relay receiver so that external control can take place.

Accessibility in the first place 

The accessibility and therefore reliability is the most important feature of the system for us. Reports should never be missed. To give this guarantee, we always do an extensive coverage measurement and demonstration on location. After this, you and your staff know how it all works and you can rest assured that the coverage is in order. 

We are happy to advise you about call systems

You can always contact us if you have any questions about a wireless calling system. We are happy to provide you with professional advice for your situation. This gives you a call system that helps you, meets your needs and which you can rely on.