Pager or Beeper

Do you want to buy a pager or a beeper? Then Firecom is the right place for you. You will find various alarm receivers in our range. These alarm receivers work on both national and local networks. On this page you will find all kinds of pagers or pagers that you can order from Firecom. In addition, we give you more information about the possibilities of alarm receivers. So read on quickly.

Still in use

It is incredible, only 50 years after the first beeper these are still used in the Netherlands. It is expected to be in there The Netherlands about 50.000 to 100.000 more beepers are in use. About 25.000 beeps are used by emergency services on it P2000 network. If you do get such a disc at the catering industry, it is actually a pager. In addition, there are still many pagers in use by healthcare and government. It's unbelievable, but from 2010 we actually see a significant increase in sales of the number beepers.

National network

A pager or beeper can be used for national networks. In this case, use is made of the P2000 network or the KPN pager network. Although the KPN pager network is quite old-fashioned, it is still used regularly. Through the P2000 network emergency services can send messages to rescuers. Pagers or squeakers are important means for this.

Local network

An alarm network can also be used locally. This is often chosen by companies. You can also buy a pager or beeper to send notifications in a factory, for example. You can also send messages to the alarm receivers yourself. Do you want even more options? Then you can also add a mandown function. In that case, if someone falls over, a notification is sent to the emergency center. Action can then be taken immediately. Have you already ordered pagers or squeakers from Firecom?

Which additional functions do you choose? - Buy pager or beeper

Buy pagers or squeakers? Then you have a choice of different options at Firecom. In addition to a mandown function, some radios are also equipped with one ATEX function. This means that the radio is explosion-proof. This function is recommended when using radios in industry. In addition, there are pagers and squeakers that are waterproof and dustproof and can therefore take a beating. Do you want to know which functions are important for your situation? Please feel free to contact us. We are happy to advise you on the options available.

Reliable communication and alarms

At Firecom we specialize in reliable communication and alarms. In emergency situations you can count on Firecom equipment. We therefore choose to work only with renowned brands such as Motorola and Kenwood. Do you need advice on the different options available? Or do you want a demonstration of the products by means of a trial placement? Please feel free to contact us. We are happy to show you what is possible at Firecom!

Buy a pager or beeper? Do this at Firecom!

Do you want to buy a pager or beeper? Then do this in our webshop! In addition to a pager or beeper, you will also find all kinds of useful accessories and calling systems. Would you prefer a quote first? That is also possible. On our website you can find one in a few simple steps Request quotation. We will then provide you with a specified quote that suits your needs.

Any result 16 Results

Birdy III alarm receiver for paging and SMS

  425,- Excl. VAT

SMS pager - complete set with charger, pager & belt clip

  473,93 Excl. VAT

Swissphone s.QUAD ATEX VHF

Swissphone s.QUAD ATEX UHF

Apollo Procall

FLEX marquee (120px)

Birdy Slim alarm receiver

Birdy WP alarm receiver

Birdy WP (ATEX) alarm receiver

  225,- Excl. VAT

Swissphone s.QUAD X15

Galaxy alarm receiver

Apollo Pilot

Swiss phone DE915

Swiss phone DE935

MR226 alarm receiver

Man-down alarm receivers