Knowledge base Radios Endless solutions with 4G and Wi-Fi radios

Endless solutions with 4G and Wi-Fi radios



4G / Wi-Fi walkie-talkies have made their appearance in recent years. 4G / Wi-Fi walkie-talkies are comparable to smartphones, but have the unique feature that they have a separate talk button or emergency button. The walkie-talkie communication is done via a separate application. There are several applications that can be used for this mutual communication. 

To establish communication you need a walkie-talkie on which the application can be installed. Firecom has various walkie-talkies in the range on which these applications are installed as standard. Some walkie-talkies do not have a display, but only a selector switch so that the walkie-talkie can be used with great ease of use. The application on the radio connects to a Push to Talk server. This server is reached via the 4G or Wi-Fi connection. The walkie-talkies do not communicate directly with each other. The big advantage of this server is the worldwide connection. The geographic location of a two-way radio has no effect on its range.

Wide reach

The large range of a 4G / Wi-Fi two-way radio makes it possible to communicate over a very great distance. This solution is therefore suitable for transport companies, security companies, public transport and many other sectors. The technology makes it possible to communicate all over the world, so you can also use two-way radios in different countries.

Variable groups

The technology of 4G walkie-talkies, using a server, provides a range of extra options. One of the functions is the variable assignment of walkie-talkies to different groups. Via a control room application it is possible to temporarily place walkie-talkies in another group, to exclude users or to give them access to a specific group. You can easily create temporary groups during events, control rounds or special promotions.

Control room applications

Apart from mutual communication, it is very easy for 4G / Wi-Fi walkie-talkies to share status messages and GPS locations. These functions are ideal for networks where an operator is present. From a screen you can register the position of walkie-talkies, request availability, listen in on conversations and much more. Via a control room application you can, for example, request photos of the users and receive alarm messages when the emergency button is pressed. You can immediately see who is nearby on a map and you can anticipate this. For this reason, 4G walkie-talkies are an ideal solution for security guards on the street.

More information

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