Knowledge base Calling systems Wireless communication for car wash and car wash

Wireless communication for car wash and car wash



Specifically for car wash and caswash, we have innovative wireless communication tools to quickly exchange information with colleagues.

Wireless earphones or walkie-talkies are used to quickly share information with colleagues on the other side of the car wash. It is possible to stay in touch with each other through our ears.

In a car wash it is important that the walkie-talkies can withstand a little water. We have waterproof walkie-talkies especially for this. The waterproof walkie-talkies make it possible to communicate or in places where the equipment can get wet.

With our wireless door sensors, infrared detection, motion detectors or buttons, it is possible to send a wireless message to a group of employees. This application is often used to detect whether there is a customer. You will immediately receive a signal when entering a room, roller door or specific area.

Firecom has supplied wireless equipment for many car washes and car washes. We can easily fulfill specific wishes by providing customization.

Are you looking for communication tools for the car wash? Contact us directly or click on the products below for more information.