Knowledge base Emergency button for wellness

Emergency button for wellness



In a wellness environment, maintaining the safety and well-being of visitors is of the utmost importance. One of the most important aspects of safety features are emergency buttons, which allow for quick response in the event of an emergency.

Emergency buttons are strategically placed in accessible and visible locations throughout the wellness center. Whether it's a swimming pool, sauna or massage room, these buttons give visitors the peace of mind that immediate help is available if needed.

The use of emergency buttons in wellness centers is essential to quickly respond to accidents, health problems or other emergencies. Whether it's summoning medical personnel, alerting security, or activating other safety protocols, these buttons play a crucial role in ensuring guest safety.

In addition, emergency buttons contribute to creating a feeling of trust and comfort among visitors. Knowing that there are effective measures for emergency situations can contribute to a positive and relaxing experience in the wellness environment.

In short, the use of emergency buttons in wellness centers is vital for ensuring the safety and well-being of visitors. By ensuring that these facilities are properly implemented and maintained, wellness centers can provide a safe and comforting environment for all their guests.

Firecom has various options to protect wellness employees:

  • Emergency button with SIM card and notification to reception
  • Walkie-talkie with freely adjustable emergency button
  • Small discreet emergency button linked to the alarm